Ich würde mich sehr drüber freuen, wenn ihr meinen Blog verfolgen würdet und unter den Post's Kommentare lässt. Es reicht auch schon eine "it's .. funny, low .." .
Und an alle zukünftigen Au Pairs, ihr könnt mich alles fragen, keine Angst, ich versuch immer zu antworten, am besten per E-Mail, also vergesst nicht eure drunter zu schreiben. Und achtet nicht zu sehr auf meine Rechtschreibung :D es ist menschlich !

I would be very happy about if you'd follow my blog and leaves under the post's comments.
And to all future Au Pair, you can ask me everything, do not worry, I always try to reply, preferably by e-mail, so your not forget to write underneath.

Danke / Thank you ♥♥


nice chillday. ♥

Oh yes - today was a very chilli day - & I like it :D.
The hostdad was today at home - that's means to me - I have to do nothing - he made a big breakfast - with pancakes, eggs, salat, fruits & so on *_* woow & than I play with the kids & he bring Krista to school. 
Today was a snow day - and it's very cold - the Kids and I sleep much & looks lots of DVD's & play Wii - the best day ever :D !

I love it when she said "Vanida, don't go - I will spend my time with you, I love you"

And now I can't sleep - so I look "Berlin Tag & Nacht" :D haha .
xoxo, ♥♥ !

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